Southeast Florida Chrysalis
Winter Weekend Dates
Winter Weekend Dates
Girls Flight #60 - February 21 - 23, 2025
Boys Flight #60 - February 28 - March 2, 2025
Boys Flight #60 - February 28 - March 2, 2025
Please email completed forms or if you have any questions to
The cost of the Chrysalis Weekend is $125 per participant.
You can pay online by clicking on the Donate Online Link
Scholarships are available. Please email to get more information.
The cost of the Chrysalis Weekend is $125 per participant.
You can pay online by clicking on the Donate Online Link
Scholarships are available. Please email to get more information.
What is Chrysalis?
A Chrysalis flight is a three-day weekend retreat focused on spiritual renewal and formation for teenagers. The approach of the nondenominational program is centered on New Testament Christianity and the model of Christ’s servanthood as a lifestyle.
Chrysalis is designed for high school students that are Sophomores to early college. The intent of Chrysalis is to strengthen one’s relationship with Christ, not serve as a replacement for church, youth group, or any other outlet. Chrysalis meets its participants right where they are with God. The objective of Chrysalis is to inspire, challenge, and equip the local church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, communities, and places of work. Chrysalis lifts up a way for our grace-filled lives to be lived and shared with others.
Caterpillars attending a Chrysalis flight are sponsored by someone who has previously attended a Chrysalis or Emmaus weekend. Emmaus is a spiritual retreat for adults. Chrysalis gets its name from the growth stage a caterpillar goes through before becoming a butterfly. The process changes a monotone, lackluster creature into a beautiful, vibrate butterfly with intense colors and the ability to fly. This symbolizes the change possible as Christ transforms people into what He intends them to be.
It is the intention of the Chrysalis experience to offer the young person the opportunity, and to encourage them, to seek a dynamic friendship with God through Christ. Chrysalis declares the Gospel message of Jesus as the Christ who has come to offer that friendship to us. It declares the presence of this Christ through the fellowship of the community bound together by the Holy Spirit. In that community, each young person is encouraged to grow toward being the unique person he/she was created to be and to grow in the service of Christ by serving one another and the world around them.
This dynamic spiritual growth involves dying to the old self and by the gift of faith, rising to the new self in Christ.
Why Discovery Weekend?
Discovery Weekend is a spiritual formation retreat in the community for the age range known as middle school, junior high, or mid-high, which in most settings includes sixth through eighth grade and ages 11–14. This coeducational retreat provides an opportunity for middle schoolers to learn about and experience the love of God. High school students (usually ages 15–18), youth workers, other adult volunteers lead the weekend.
Discovery Weekend is intended to be holy and fun at the same time. The weekend experience creates an environment in which middle schoolers can better listen to God and be aware of God’s presence. Discovery Weekend has produced amazing results in many settings.
The weekend celebration of God’s love is designed to involve much of our community in planning, leading, and providing resources:
High schoolers work with small groups of middle schoolers (Disciple Groups), lead worship, share their faith stories, and provide leadership throughout the weekend.
Parents share gifts of love and presence, attend the Prayer Service, and serve as leaders and volunteers.
Youth workers and adults provide overall leadership, direction, and supervision.
Sunday school classes and small groups offer prayer support, snacks, and small gifts known as Clues.
Clergy work with youth who are considering baptism, assist with worship planning, help with teaching and mentoring, and are available for spiritual guidance.
Additional adults from the congregation serve as leaders and volunteers.
Discovery Weekend encourages the entire community to live out its baptismal covenant by surrounding young people with faithful examples of love and forgiveness.